Monday, 10 May 2021

do you just want to make PayPal money

so over $ 260 and right

here's another PayPal payment over 300 ounces


and guess what you can just repeat it

as much as you want and it's actually

very simple very easy what anyone can do

it without any experience

and actually it's 100 free, you do not

do you need any investment or money to get

start and this opportunity is

available worldwide in all countries in

the world now in this quick video i will

show you how to sign up for free

account and I will guide you through

different examples and guide you through

step by step how to do it and at the

end of this video I will literally just

give you a copy and paste as a template

bonus and you can start earning paper

money literally starts today

so make sure you watch the full video

to the end and do not


now in this video the site I

want to show you where you can earn

a lot of paper money fast, that is

captain now you can go on to now here is the warning

before leaving or skipping this video

any part of this video has two

alerts for your number one that the

is here is a little sign up process

complicated you can see here it is the

whole login process and there is

literally three steps you need to take


if you do not watch the full video, you will

will not log in successfully

and you will not earn any money and

number two the reason why you should

keep watching this video because at the

end of this

I show you a copy and paste template

in fact i will show you

everything exactly how I make paper

money on this site and you can

literally copy

everything I show you and once

once again I give it away for free

the end of this video and it is the

reason why you should like

look before I let you show

exactly how it basically works now, they're going to pay you money

right payment

real cash by simply writing

reviews for different software

so you can see below

website they have literally hundreds and

thousands of different software they can

write a

simple overview just a very simple overview

and you can be paid for every single person

watch what you write and do not worry

because you do not need technical

skill you do not need


you do not need money and not

must be good in English

I will show you step by step everything

here on this video and you can do

that of basic

any countries in the world I will

show how you the

can copy and paste whole review i

written for you you can only copy and

paste and start earning money after

watch this video so now without

waste any time we're going to do

dive directly into writing a review and

I now show you step by step first of

all i want you to do is go to the homepage

from the cafeteria and click on the link to the right

above here

write a review and from there it's

will take you to this page where you

can easily search on

any products right or any company or any

software you want to write a review with

or else you can see here

recommend some popular software that

you can write a review in this video

I will give you a special bonus tip to


on powerpoint because it's actually a lot

easy very simple and i will show you me

whole template that you can copy and

paste as you can see here

so now what i want you to do is to

enter the keyword powerpoint you can

see your powerpoint and click on the

search button

and from there as you unroll

below you want to search for this link

right here what is powerpoint by

Microsoft and you want to click on it

and tree happiness that goes

take you to this page where you can

simply write a review for

powerpoint and again you can do it

it on your phone, you can do it on

I want your computer

comment below and let me know what

type of devices you use, do you use

a phone or do you use a computer

anyway if you move down

can see here that this is the whole process

on how to get a simple review for

to write power points and you can earn ten dollars

and you can do it in less than two

minute now

let's go down here

page you can see here, it's actually

just step number one there is total

three steps on this video and I show you

everything step by step make sure you

watch to the end and stay tuned for

the bonus I will give for free

at the end of this video

so start only at the beginning of step

number one that some are going to fill out

personal information

just put your first name your last

state your email address and for work

title very important from now on you are

will follow everything i show you

now first for the post i

want you to put in a freelancer and it

is very important because if you do not do it

the only job title

they do not accept your review and you

will not earn any money from there now

for the name of the organization you can only

sit in

independent seven points very simple

and now for the industry if you click

on this arrow you can find any

industry you want to choose from

so now if you are currently

If you work, you can choose just any industry

that you work now or

otherwise you can only insert computer

software because you will basically write

a review of a software and again

you do not need experience

and for the size of the business you can only

just choose myself because you

are self-employed and how long have you been using it

this software is very important now

if you click on these options here

can see free trial less than six months

or more than

now a year if you opt for a free trial

you will not be paid, so it's a lot

important to at least choose

6 to 12 months so they know

you have some experience with the use of the

software itself

so go to the second part of this

determine how often you use it

software you can see here, click here

two choices and I want you to

choose at least one weekly

and finally what is your role in using

this software makes sure it is very important

make sure you choose this

a user because you want to be the one

use the software itself and they

will approve your review and you can

earn money

so if you still look

you did an excellent job and this is how

you complete step number one

and go on, just click on the following

to go on like this, we go in step

number two so basically right about this

step they want you to rate how

many stars you give to the software

what you are currently using and you can

choose and read everything you want

want it to be a very simple step

click a few buttons

but before we continue I want to make it

make sure you subscribe to the channel

and so turn to the notification clock

you can receive more videos to make money

in the future you can see here here

are some things they want you to have

give a rating, for example in general

quality so in this case I am very

recommend putting a four to five

shops to be widely accepted


so in this case I'm just sitting a five star

for all these criteria as you can see


for example customers support five star

value for money five stars now equal

although they say it is optional i

would strongly recommend you to rate it

to also be accepted in

in this case I'm just putting a five star for everyone

of these criteria as you can see here

and downwards the price for

powerpoint compared to similar products

again it's optional but i want to

make sure you answer this question

so also in this case I just pick up

meteor and how likely is it that you

recommend powerpoint to your friend or

your colleague now in this case I will

choose at number nine or number 10

because it's actually very good

software i love it and i love it

also recommend other people

so in this case I just choose online and

that's all you need to do for step number

two you can see here you can only

do it literally in less than 10

seconds and just go ahead and click on

the next button to advance to the finals


step number three now it's super


so you can see here, it's the whole

writing that I do want to share with you

we can here Powerpoint overview and

see you can earn 10 dollars and you can

just do it in less than two minutes

is crazy, you can literally earn two

dollars per minute using this exact

strategy and to earn paper money again

and now again you can see here

these are the whole benefits and these are the

full disadvantages in this regard

software and your general experience

that's all we're going to need here and we

can only copy and paste this answer and

post it here in our review

and the reason why it is so important

will you make sure you

initial first few reviews to accept

and then they send you more and more

reviews to keep doing it and you

can make money again and again

now for many beginners as they

fail to be approved on their first

submission they will not receive

more reviews in the future, but if

you use my proven script you can

is literally approved within today

within 24 hours and you will receive


now in just a moment I will show you how

to copy and paste my template but I am

will share another strategy with you

now for example if you continue with

cafeteria your own website you can

go check out other people's review

about Powerpoint you can see here

on this site you can just go below

and literally looking for hundreds and

thousands of people leaving them

review on powerpoint, you can see here

they show you all the benefits

and all the disadvantages here on them

website is the actual review that

left by other people and many people

reviews and makes lots

money now says for example this man

Charles, it's actually his

review this is the title and this is the

overall experience and it is actually

the pros and cons he left behind on the

website and by simply leaving it

review he makes you as dollar as

you can see here as I go down

this is another man who has a

leave review and you can see here

literally so many people from different

countries in the world they leave

simple overview of Powerpoint and them

be paid

every day and guess what you can

simply go to this site and you can

watch literally tens of thousands of

reviews by other people who have been

to make money on this site and you can

get inspiration and idea about exactly

how they write their review and

you can copy some of their sentences

can refer to those you can put in you

own tweets and your thoughts

also in their review and this is the

extra strategy I do want to share

with you to get a lot of inspiration and

idea how to write the review now a

many people do not share it

secret and strategy with you, but I want

to make sure I can help you so much


possible if you appreciate that brand

like this video and sign in

the channel

so basic for the title of the review

going to write something like that a lot


Powerpoint overview, that's all you need

do and for the benefits category below

box you are going to write something about

what do you like

this software is now basically the

writing I wrote for you, can you

copy this script just here and

just click on copy right we go

go here and paste everything right

here in this box and it's the whole

benefits so just there to go on, you can do

similarly for the disadvantages you can see here

just go back to the scripture and it is

the cons right just copy this one

click on copy again go here

a place

everything in the box, so that's all

you have to do for two boxes and finally

on the last one you describe totally

experience with powerpoint and once

again it's optional but you can see

here are many people who are busy making

money on this site they are actually

answer this question that you can see here

this man

actually answer this question you

can see here this guy is actually

answer this question

so also it is very important for the

answer this question to get


so again it's actually my overalls

experience you can see here, I will just

highlight my entire answer and click on

the copy button

go here and paste everything right

here in this box and that's all you are

must do now for the full review

this is actually the hardest part

for many people, but you can do it in

less than one minute because number one

you can get this copy and paste

and number two where you know the secret

how to refer to other people who are already

successfully submitted their review so that I

try to make my video as simple as

to make it possible for everyone without any

experience and once again you switch

from another product you can just click

on no and that's all you have to do

and finally you can just take it on

one here to agree to the terms and

condition and just click on the steering wheel


as simple as now, as you can see

here was your product review

now submitted you can the

just repeat whole strategy you can just keep you

momentum go and look for others

different products or software to create a

to write simple review and earn ten dollars in

less than two minutes and once again

there are literally hundreds and

thousands of different software you use

can write a simple review and you can

just refer to other people, just search

on google

and look at other people's overview and

use the answer to get inspiration

and repeat the process over and over again

and again for those of you as

you want this copy and paste template

for the Powerpoint overview and here

I'll give you another Google Docs overview as

You can see here to earn ten more

dollars now if you want to get yours

insert the copy and paste the template

all you have to do is subscribe to my channel

and turn on the notification bell as

this video shares this video with you

friend and leave your best comments

below and I will reply you and send you

this template

and if you want to make more money making videos

make sure you click on the following video as

You can see on the screen here, click on

this and I see you

on the inside

Earn Money With Simple Task S.NO Title Device Type Country Rating Earn More ...